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David Shriver

I am a machine learning research scientist in the AI Division of the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). My research interests are in ensuring correctness of machine learning systems. In particular, I am interested in analysis, testing, and verification of neural networks, especially in the context of systems with a high cost of failure, such as safety-critical and autonomous systems.


Ph.D., Computer Science

Dec 2022
University of Virginia

Advised by: Matt Dwyer and Sebastian Elbaum

Thesis: Increasing the Applicability of Verification Tools for Neural Networks

M.S., Computer Science

May 2018
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Advised by: Sebastian Elbaum

Thesis: Assessing the Quality and Stability of Recommender Systems

B.S., Computer Engineering

May 2016
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Positions Held

Machine Learning Research Scientist

Software Engineering Institute (SEI)

January 2023 — Present

Leads small teams of researchers, engineers, and software developers on projects in the Secure AI Lab on topics related to identifying, understanding, and defending against AI model vulnerabilities.

Research Assistant

Department of Computer Science, University of Virginia

August 2018 — December 2022

Performed research on techniques for increasing the applicability of state-of-the art formal verification tools for neural networks to improve the safety and correctness of systems with high costs of failure, such as autonomous vehicles.

Research Intern

Langley Research Center, NASA

June 2021 — August 2021

Proposed and led a short term project to develop a method for transforming temporal behavioral properties of neural networks to local robustness properties to enable application of a plethora of available tools and investigated the feasibility of this transformation in the context of neural networks trained for aircraft collision avoidance.

Research Assistant

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

March 2014 — July 2018

Developed approaches for assessing the quality and stability of recommender systems.


Concept-ROT: Poisoning Concepts in Large Language Models with Model Editing

arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.13341

[Paper] [Code]

Deeper Notions of Correctness in Image-Based DNNs: Lifting Properties from Pixel to Entities

Foundations of Software Engineering


DeepManeuver: Adversarial Test Generation for Trajectory Manipulation of Autonomous Vehicles

IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering

Increasing the Applicability of Verification Tools for Neural Networks

University of Virginia


Distribution Models for Falsification and Verification of DNNs

International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE)

DNNV: A Framework for Deep Neural Network Verification

Computer Aided Verification

[Paper] [Tool] [Video]

Reducing DNN Properties to Enable Falsification with Adversarial Attacks

International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)

Systematic Generation of Diverse Benchmarks for DNN Verification

Computer Aided Verification


Poster: Differencing Neural Networks

University of Virginia CS Research Symposium


Refactoring Neural Networks for Verification

arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.08026


Evaluating Recommender System Stability with Influence-Guided Fuzzing

AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence

Toward the development of richer properties for recommender systems

International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceedings

Assessing the Quality and Stability of Recommender Systems

University of Nebraska-Lincoln


At the End of Synthesis: Narrowing Program Candidates

International Conference on Software Engineering: New Ideas and Emerging Technologies Results Track


Tools and Artifacts



Implements a reduction to enable the application of falsification tools, such as adversarial attacks, to a more general set of behavioral properties of neural networks.



A large collection of DNN verification benchmarks, specified in DNNP and ONNX for use with DNNV, DNNF and their supported verifiers and falsifiers.




Introduces a standard network and property specification formats and implements network simplifications and property reductions, facilitating verifier execution, comparison, and artifact re-use.

Awards and Honors

ACM SIGSOFT Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation, March 2023
John A. Stankovic Outstanding Graduate Research, May 2022
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Highest Distinction, May 2016
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Computer Engineering Outstanding Undergraduate Senior, May 2016


• ICSE 2025: Program Committee Member
• TOSEM 2024: Reviewer
• TOSEM 2023: Reviewer
• ASE 2022: Committee Member in Program Committee within Artifact Evaluation-track
• ISSTA 2021: Committee Member in Artifact Evaluation Committee within the Artifact Evaluation-track
• ISSTA 2021: Co-reviewer
• ICSE 2020: Co-reviewer